
Human Resources

● The Buddhist society, one of the well functioning Units of the school organizes a Bodi Pooja program every morning.


● Annual Sil campaign is held successfully. This year this program was held on the 28th of April 2018.


● A sermon session is held every month prior to the full moon Poya day.


● Being a multi cultural school, SPM functions a catholic society and Islamic society.


● The catholic society organizes an annual carol concert prior to Christmas.


● The Islamic society organizes an Ifthar program and an Islamic day annually.

  • Dental clinics, immunization programs, health clinics and nutritional clinics are carried out for the students. In these projects students’ health status is assessed and the required students are referred to relevant hospitals or health institutes.
  • Student counseling sessions are held in school for the needy students.
  • Counseling and career guidance sessions are held in school with the participants and guidance of well-reputed counselors.
  • O/L and A/L revision programs are carried out every year to grant a helping hand for the students to succeed in their examinations.
  • A/L orientation programs are organized since 2016 to provide an overall guidance for the students who enter to the advanced level section.
  • Morning assembly is held in situations where students should be informed about special functions of the school. During this program the Madam Principal addresses the students by herself and informs them about important events of the school.
  • The students who score an average above 80% in the term tests get the privilege to receive their report cards by the principal during the term end parent-teacher meeting. This new stimulation encouraged the children to be more keen in their studies and achieve a higher average in their term end tests.
  • According to noval concept of the principal a letter box named “letters to the principal” was localized in the school. By this the students got an opportunity to write directly to their principal and forward their problems for her consideration.
  • “The best classroom “ Project was introduced to the school in 2017. The most attractive classroom of each grade is selected monthly and their names are published in the notice board. The project arouses the interest in students to make their classroom beautiful. Hence, a learner-friendly environment was created within the classroom by the project.
  • The welfare society of teachers organizes an annual get together.
  • In 2017 it was held on the 10thof December at Club Dolphin Hotel, Negambo.
  • A felicitation program is organized at the end of each year to pay gratitude to the transferred and retired teachers.
  • The welfare society participates for funerals and weddings of the staff. They also provide donations to the teachers in funerals.
  • A staff meeting is held every month after the school to discuss about the progress of academic and co-curricular and extra-curricular work of the school.
  • As a result of a request made by the principal, the British council, Sri Lanka offered a two day co-skill development workshop for the teachers of SPM. The madam principal conducted the workshop as a resource person of the British Council, Colombo.
  • An IT workshop was held in 2017 to enhance the IT skills of the teachers.

● Compulsory parent-teacher meetings are held at the end of each term. The parents can directly discuss the progress of their children during the meeting.

● Dengue shramadana campaigns are held every Tuesday with the participations of parents.

● School development society meetings are held in every month.

● A well organized public day is held on every Wednesday at 11:30a.m where the parents and the outsiders can directly talk to the principal regarding the problems they have regarding the school and their children.


● Implemented a system of “relief work periods” to get the students engaged in some work when the relevant teacher got absent.

● Re-established a system of conducting monthly tests and unit tests in the school since May 2015 and is carried out successfully to date.

● Term test results are  categorized and special feedback and feed-forward programs are conducted within the school to uplift O/L and A/L results.

● A special morning program was started in 2015 for O/L students. They  are given a unit test every morning at 6:30a.m and the papers are corrected with guidance of the relevant subject teacher.

● Special extra classes are conducted at school during the vacation to cover up the syllabus.

● Special revision programs are conducted for O/L and A/L students by invited resource persons from around the country.

● Internal supervision programs for teachers commences successfully within the school.

● Student counseling programs, O/L and A/L revision programs, A/L orientation programs are conducted successfully within the school with the participation and guidance of resource persons from recognized universities and institutions.

● Introduced Media and Communication, Hindi language, Agriculture and Western Music for the advanced level students.

● A methodical result analysis is done to create a profile of students’ academic performances. By this the competencies and infirmities of students were identified. Feedback and feed forward programs were implemented accordingly to uplift the results of the students.

● A general knowledge quiz program is conducted every Monday and the answers are discussed on Friday.

● Smart classrooms are implemented in  grade 9 section and commece section. It is proposed to provide these facilities to every section of the school in the near future.

● As a result of the untiring systematic efforts of the Principal, Deputy Principals and the academic staff and students were able to achieve greater heights in their O/L and A/L results, By adding colour to the proud history of SPM.


Physical Resources

● Purchases new equipments and chemicals for the obsolated chemistry labs and repairs them in accordingly, and the students were given opportunity to conduct practical sessions effectively.

● This primary section building which was destroyed by a thunder-bolt was repaired and a new electric system was implemented in it. The building was given to the hands of the primary students in 2015 by the minister of education Mr.Akila Viraj Kariyawasam.

● Refurbished the obsolete poly-tunnel in 2016 and continuously function it in an active, live manner.

● Renovated the toilets within the office premises in 2015.

● In 2016 a herbal garden was established in school with the help of the Green Cross Unit of the school.

● The basketball court was repaired in 2016.

● A project was launched in 2017 to beautify the school premises. Under that several plants were planted and maintained by the Environmental Society of the school.

● The school was declared as a zero garbage zone in 2017. Under the project the ‘midden area’ was converted into an eye catching bio diversity garden.

● In 2018 the older store room was refurbished into a methodical store room to store the text books in order.

● Established a system to display notice boards in every class rooms and in every section of the school with the intention of providing space for students’ creativity.

● The public address system of the school was repaired with the aids of  ten Lakhs provided by the OGA –UK branch.

● A Duplo machine was purchased in 2016 to print the monthly test, unit test, and revision program papers by the school itself. It retained a large amount of printing cost spent previously.

● In 2017 a photocopy machine was donated by a batch of Old Girls. The machine is located in the sick room. It provides photocopy facilities to the students at a low cost.

● Grade 9 section and the A/L commerce section were completely renovated in 2015.

● The sick room was repaired and new equipment and medicine were purchased in 2015 to provide an efficient service for the students whenever they get sick during school time.

● Purchased a three wheeler in 2016 and a van in 2017 to transport students. This is the first time where such a purchase was done after many years.

● The temple premises in school is a symbol of the uniqueness of the school. This area was tiled with interlocks and is proposed to place a gold plated fence around the sacred Bo tree. The constructions are proceeding currently.

● A lighting system in the school was established in school in 2016 with the donation of the PPA. Under the project two flashlight systems were located inside the school. The system was very useful to reduce the darkness of the school premises specially when students get engaged in evening and night practices for several functions of the school.

● Under the noval concept “sanitary first” of the Honorable Minister of Education Mr. Akila Viraj Kariyawasm. The school was donated with ten lakhs. Using the donation the Principal initiated a project to build up a complex of lavatories for the primary section in 2015.

● The basketball court was renovated in 2017 with latest equipment providing opportunities for the daughters of SPM to engage in sports and sport related activities enthusiastically.

● The children’s playground of the primary section was completely renovated in 2015 and was opened on the children’s day, 1st of October 2015.

● The collapsed Polytunnel was repaired and opened in 2016. It’s an honour to consider the polytunnel of SPM as one of the well-functioned agricultural systems among the leading schools of Colombo.

● According to a new concept of the principal notice boards were placed in every building and classrooms of the school. Important notices were published on them. Also they paved a way for the students to exhibit their creativity.

The school library was modernized in 2017. New books, chairs and tables were purchased to create a reader friendly environment within the library. Every class is allocated one period per week to borrow books from the library.

Reference facilities are also provided for students when needed. An annual reading camp is organized to commemorate the reading day.


  • Even though the school has a long history of 130 years, the students were not provided with adequate facilities to engage in Physical activities and sports, within the school premises due to the lack of resources. The Principal Mrs. Sumedha Jayaweera identified the situation and proposed a new sports complex with classrooms.
  • The project proposal was presented to the ministry of education in 2015. After the unremitted efforts made by the Madam Principal, the government allocated a sum of nine crores for the proposed sports complex with classrooms by the general budget of 2016.

  • The foundation stone for this building was placed by the honorable Minister of Education Mr. Akila Viraj Kariyawasm in June 2017.
  • The constructions of the building is proceeding and is proposed to be completed by 2019.
  • It is proposed to demolish the old canteen premises of the school and establish a new two story canteen premises with a high-roof Badminton Court.
  • The government had already promised to allocate the required amount of donations for this new project.
  • The main hall and the office premises, which is the oldest building of the school is a mark of uniqueness of SPM.
  • The building is proposed to be renovated with modern facilities yet securing the ancient colonial appearance of it.
  • The renovation has started recently in May 2018 and is proposed to be completed within months.