our Madam Principal

Dr.J. Sumedha Jayaweera
Principal (SLEAS-I)
St. Paul's Girls' School Milagiriya
St. Paul's Girls' School Milagiriya
BSc. , MEd, P.G.D.E(Merit), P.G.D.M (Merit), Dip in Sc, Dip in Glo Edu. , Ad. in Dip (University of Colombo), T.K.T (Cambridge University, UK), Master Trainer – Ministry of Education and British Council.
Member of the panel – International School Award (British Council – Sri Lanka),
President- Sri Lanka Hand Ball Association,
Sri Lanka Silver Medalist Umpire – Sri Lanka Net Ball Federation,
Resource Person – British Council, NIE, Teacher Training Centre, Narahenpita.
A member of the Board of Management, The National Educational Research and Evaluation Centre (NEREC) University of Colombo Sri Lanka.
The vice president of Sri Lanka Schools Sports Council.
The principal Mrs. Sumedha Jayaweerawa rewarded with the service excellence award for the most innovative Principal of 2016 by the Rotary Club Colombo for the development she had achieved in school in all physical educational and spiritual aspects of the students.
The principal was privileged to participate and present her research project on the English Educational conference held in Solo, Indonesia in 2016.
In 2017 the principal was awarded as the best principal of the western province by the provincial educational office.
The madam principal is a member of the panel of Judges in international school award.
She also serves as an internationally recognized teacher trainer at the British Council, Colombo.
The principal, Mrs. Sumedha Jayaweera renders her service to the nation as a resource person of the national institute of education since 2012 as a certified teacher trainer and lecturer.
The Principal, is a silver medalist Umpire of the netball federation of Sri Lanka and currently she serves as the President of the handball association of Sri Lanka.
An examination on the success of Bilingual Science Teaching by Referring to its context at Junior Secondary Level in Sri Lanka.
Significance of professional development of education leaders: Evidence from literature review.
International Journal of Higher Education Management (IJHEM), Vol.7 Number 2
The Needuflness of Continuing Professional Development for Education Administrators: A systematic Literature Review
American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM) ISSN-2379-106X, www.aijbm.com Volume 04 Issue 05(May-2021), PP 24-28
Significance of Professional Development of School Principals: Evidence from Literature Review.
International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge. ISSN-2213-1356

Our madam principal Mrs. Sumedha Jayaweera was awarded the Best Principal in Colombo District at the ගුරැ විදුහල්පති ප්රතිභා ප්රණාම 2019 organized by the Ministry of Education Sri Lanka

ගරු විදුහල්පති මෑණියනි, ඔබට සුභ පැතුම්!!